Deliciously healthy, and you don’t have to add all of the powders suggested in the ingredients, but it’s a very good way to pack lots of superfood powders in. Once made, it keeps in the fridge for 3 days.

Yoghurt with traditional spoons


  • 1 cup of cashew nuts, soaked overnight in water
  • 1 cup of berries (use organic frozen ones as they have a deeper flavour)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp maca powder (Health shop)
  • 1 tsp acai powder (Health shop)
  • 1 tsp proberry amla powder**


Drain the cashews and place in a blender. Add the berries, coconut oil and powders and blend till smooth. Add water if consistency is too thick. Serve with berries and seeds.

**Available form NUTRI LINK. Call 08450 760402