Everyone can enter and the prize is a complementary in:spa trip for one person up to the value of £3000 in 2019.

We would like you to select and send to us three photos from your retreat that in your mind capture the ‘essence of in:spa’ along with a brief caption as to why these capture the essence of the holiday for you. You can of course choose any combination of subjects. If you’re including fellow guests in a shot please make sure you have their agreement to be in the picture that is sent!

We will be excitedly gathering all the entries from guests across our retreats this year and will announce the winning person/ trio of photos and caption on Monday 10 December 2018. You can email the photos to support@thehealthyholidaycompany.com at any time – during/after the retreat. Photos need to be emailed to us to enter, not just posted on social media.

We’d love to use your photos and captions on our Instagram, facebook and website this year – to help show to others what the holiday represents for our guests, so please make sure you’re happy with this before sending us anything!.


1) One entry (ie three chosen photos) per person per retreat visit. Closing date for entrants is 30 November.
2) A place for one person can be chosen on any of the in:spa retreats 5 or 7 nights at any location that we will be running in 2019 up to the value of £3000. Ie if you would like to share a room with someone then your place is free of charge and they pay for theirs. Flights are not included, transfers with recommended flights are included.
3) You are happy for the photos you send to us to be used by us for marketing purposes. Please ideally send medium to large format photos so we can use them in a larger form if needed.
4) We will use the photos submitted to us in our social media feeds during the year #essenceofinspa